Monday, March 15, 2010

Why I chose the symbol in the student's words!

Here's what the students are saying.....

"I learned the Pythagarean theorem from Mrs. Stokes who helped me understand Geometry better." David

"I chose TEARS OF A TIGER because we read this in reading, Mrs. Bowling read it to us.  It makes you really think about stuff."  Austin
"I chose TEARS OF A TIGER because it is an interesting book and tells about an accident and a boy comitting suicide."  Jesse

"I chose the Constitution.  I really enjoy my Social Studies class with Mrs. Johnson who explains very good." Jenika 

"I chose the plant cell because I learned from Mrs. Pemberton in Science class." Keshara

"I chose the food chain because I learned all about the food chain from my teacher Mr. Downing." Rylan

"I chose Music because music is a part of everybody's life today"

"Music because without Ms. Lanham I wouldn't know any of the basic music notes, etc.  I also loved The Sound of Music movie. Outside of school music is a big part of my life."  Haley

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